Kamui Store presents a bag in the form of professionally hand-embroidered roses (silk star series), which is an expression of Arabic originality and comes with a beautiful top zipper. And in different colors
The size of these bags:
Height – 16 inc
wreath 14 inc
يقدم كاموي ستور حقيبة على شكل ورود مطرّزة يدويًا بشكل احترافي (سلسلة نجمة الحرير) ، وهو تعبير عن الأصالة العربية ، ويأتي مع سحاب علوي جميل. وبألوان مختلفة
حجم هذه الحقائب:
ارتفاع – 16 سم
عرض – 14 سم
Vendor Info
Hello, I am Areeb Ali, who is talented in designing bags from burlap. I hope you like my handicrafts. I am a passionate man and love handwork and presenting it to women and girls who love bags of this type. I have other crafts that you will see.
My talent is ancient. I spent many hours developing it. I love handicrafts. I feel that they are very close to me, which made my family very happy with the emergence of a talent like that. It is called the Freedom Stars Group. I hope you like my collection.
Buy it now, thanks, and good luck
Thank you…
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