Our children always love difference, distinction, and obtaining unique things, especially girls, who are always looking for cheerful colors and delicate accessories to increase their distinction and add extra beauty, and because we at Kamui care about you and your children, we have provided you with a unique set of Colorful hair clips with “Eliza Diva” cotton threads, which your kids will love and sparkling with it all the time.
The product is available upon request.
Set: Three Pieces
Dimensions: 7 cm x 3 cm
7 cm × 3 cm
يحب أطفالنا دائمًا الاختلاف والتميز والحصول على أشياء فريدة وخاصة الفتيات اللائي يبحثن دائمًا عن الألوان المبهجة والإكسسوارات الرقيقة لزيادة تميزهن وإضافة جمال إضافي لجمالهن ، ولأننا في كاموي نهتم بك وبأطفالك ، زودتك بمجموعة فريدة من مشابك الشعر الملونة بخيوط قطنية “إليزا ديفا” ، والتي سيحبها أطفالك وتتألق بها طوال الوقت
المنتج متاح عند الطلب
مجموعة: ثلاث قطع
الأبعاد: 7 سم × 3 سم
7 سم × 3 سم
Vendor Info
Dalia Nasser Darwish, an Egyptian woman born in Abu Dhabi, where I lived and studied, and from it my passion for arts began, especially for handicrafts.
My aspiration for handicrafts began when I was in the seventh grade by participating in one of the activities organized by the Ministry of Education in Abu Dhabi under the name “Saifuna Momayez”, which was concerned with using the summer period to train its members in various arts such as drawing, pottery, recycling, drawing on glass and many other crafts and finally crochet, and from here i choice crochet to begin my journey in the world of arts and handicrafts.
Crochet for me is not just a hobby, but I always look forward to knowing and learning everything new about it and about all things in the world of handicrafts. My goal is to develop and keep pace with everything new to make more distinctive and perfect pieces.
The most adorable piece that I like to make is “Tapestry bags”, because it’s considered one of the most distinctive and difficult pieces and needs to be mastered with good focus and accuracy, so working on it helps me more to get rid of stress and pressure.
I’m happy to join the Kamui Store, which is a new step for me in the development of my works, and a strong motivation
for the development of myself and my business.
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