Digital painting… a powerful breakthrough in the world of hand drawing
Digital painting has recently won the admiration of many fans of this talent on the Internet, whose fans have become real artists. You can find them on the “Kamui Store” website, which gives a strong opportunity for merchants and talents to publish their art through this unique platform in its way of bringing together many artists and introducing people to them.
Digital painting is a way to develop the skill and art of drawing using a brush. Digital painting helps to create distinctive artistic paintings that merchants can sell to people and enjoy great popularity.
In the article that you find on the Kamui Store website, it is an article presented by the platform to help those with artistic talents develop themselves and make talent a source of livelihood for them, and this is what seeks to manage the Kamui website based in the United Arab Emirates and headquartered in Dubai.
First, what is digital painting:
Come with us, we introduce you to the definition of digital painting and what skills are required to make a very beautiful digital painting that can be a regular painting using a brush.
Digital drawing is a drawing using an electronic pen and a tablet, one of the devices that allow drawing through it, which expresses instead of drawing in the traditional way that relies on some tools such as pencils and traditional artboards, which is what the Kamui platform is concerned with.
Devices used in a digital drawing:
A tablet or graphics device that both contains an electronic pen and is a very smart tablet, in addition to a smartphone.
The tablet or smartphone can be drawn directly on it when the artist decides on the choice. If the talented person is interested in the tablet, he must connect the device to a computer or a smart mobile device so that the painter can draw in an excellent way.
It is possible for the artist to face difficulty in drawing on the tablet, and he may resort to the computer in order to draw, but this matter does not provide an opportunity to show talent in a large way, as drawing by hand is the goal that gives the artist his creative touches. Therefore, the tablet is the only means instead of drawing on a computer or phone, as it provides a good space for the artist to draw his traditional painting.
Digital graphic names:
• Digital art (generic name)
• Digital drawing
• Digital painting
Although the digital drawing program on the computer differs from the tablet, the final product is different from the tablet. The tablet is a digital painting that the painter can use by drawing with a hand pen, while the computer provides you with withdrawing by means of a drawing mouse.
Computers can offer a powerful collection of art that can be drawn with drawing programs such as Paint.
Yes, computer programs can present a set of artistic drawings in a beautiful image, and digital drawing can be considered a strong partnership with drawing by hand via a tablet.
digital drawing tools
It is possible for the artist or the talented to draw digitally on touch devices and it gives very wonderful results, however, there are devices dedicated to this purpose and their performance differs from other devices.
Kamui offers you a set of digital painting tools.
Most of the digital drawing programs and tools you will find in the Camuy digital drawing tools section.
Tablet, dedicated to graphics for drawing and presentation.
You will find two types, the first Android and the second iOS, which have a pen for drawing, and they are electronic pens that provide a product as if it is a traditional pen.
• It is possible to go to very powerful programs and applications that give results similar to traditional drawings, such as a graphic tablet, and it is considered one of the favorite devices for digital painters and animation designers. They draw on a direct screen connected to it at the same time.
It is important to know that most digital drawing devices are called tablets or tablets. However, they are not similar to other devices of their kind, as they do not contain a processor, memory, or any components that enable you to operate them individually and must be connected to the computer.
Also, the Kamui platform recommends a digital drawing device such as a drawing tablet that is similar to its counterpart in terms of graphics and graphics in other aspects, including:
• Like a pen or you can use a connecting cable or via Bluetooth, the only difference is that the digital drawing device does not display what you draw on it and must be connected to a projector.
• The drawing is through a pen attached to the device, or it can be purchased from stores.
Kamui will discuss a range of economic options that enable talented people to enter the world of digital painting.
Also, there are many companies that manufacture distinctive devices specialized in digital drawing, and the most famous of these companies are: Wacom/Huion/XP-PEN
It is important for the artist to pay attention before purchasing the device he wants to draw on, and he must have direct knowledge of the types and specifications of the tablet before purchasing it.
Kamui wishes you to benefit from the information provided by professional illustrators.
An invitation to enter the Kamui website and view the works of professional artists by clicking on the following link: